Monday 6 August 2012

Today 8

Today Tom, Sam and Alex were at my house today. We had a competition and I won platinum. We all had ice cream and there was live savers, drum sticks, ice cream sandwichs and more. Tom, Sam and I went to old cottage pl. And the river with our bikes.

THE       END

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Today 7

Today Matilda pinched me and no one cared.Matilda told on me for not practicing piano and I was just getting started. I played lots of 3DS well I played on my 3DS with DS games. o and sorry I did not do the THE     END the computer was not working well. The cercer was not there and I have know idea what to wright.

THE          END

Sunday 22 July 2012

Today 6

Today I skype with Papa and he went on a trip with work. I wanted to go to but my pasport was expierd. He went to japan for a week and  a week after that we are going to a cottage.I miss Papa a lot but I get to do and have lots of things. I got  a Hot dog bun with wipped cream and suger and chocolate. dealishes. Aidan has the game Wii Dance and I love it. There is songs like Kung-fu Fighting, who let the dogs out and Barbey girl.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE       END

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Today 5

I am going to keep this up until the Fall[Autumn]. Today I went to Tim`s with Jack, Helen and June. Jack has 1 dog, named Hobo, Helen has 2, Loki and Paxi and June owns Jacki. I have 1 too, THE BESTEST OF THE BESTEST Murphy.I had a chocolate glazed, Canadian maple Donuts and a Iced tea. Jack let us see his pool and made a paper air plane. I had lots of fun.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Today 4

I changed my  backround today. It`s a Sparten leader with 2 energy swords. James came over today. We played on the Wii and minotaurs the lego game. I had lots of fun today

Thursday 12 July 2012

Today 3

I am making a series of  Today. Aidan and Erin are coming over tomorrow. I went too Zehrs with Mama. We bought 1 pack of jumbo freezes. There was 50 of them.                                                                      

THE                                                              END

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Today 2

I mite make a whole session of today. Today I went to Tom and Sam house.We played pirates vs knights and I was an ultimate knight. My weapons where a bow and arrow,spike ball and a golden sword. Matilda , Mama, and Nicolas.

THE                                  END

Tuesday 10 July 2012


Today I went to James` house. We went in the pool. I went Jabba the hut Diving. James and I had a whole Jumbo freezey. Matilda was ta Scoty and Paige`s birthday. We all had a blast.

     THE        END

Sunday 8 July 2012

Tennis Finals

Federer won the championship,YHAAAA! The score was 4 6 Murray 7 5 Federer 6 3 Federer 6 4 Federer.I had a bet with Mama.We bet $ 10. That is the 7th time he won the Wimbledon trophy.


Saturday 7 July 2012

Corn Walk

I went on a walk with Papa[Dad],Mama[mom], Matilda[sister],Nicolas[brother]And Murphy[dog].We went in the corn.Murphy too. We played Hide and go seek. I won Because I hid the longest.

 THE        END                          

Friday 6 July 2012



I played Tennis  with my sister and today was my last day of camp. We got Swiss chalet and it was GOOD. On Sun. Federer and Murray are going to have a match. Federer is my favorite player. He lives in Switzerland. 


THE        END

Friday 11 May 2012

Sparring kung fu

My first day of sparring was today.I faced an orange belt(it felt like a hour).I was sweating like crazy at the end. The sparring gear is helmet, punches(gloves), mouth guard, kicks(shoes),groin Protector.If you did not have a partner  you need to shadow box. I did not get hurt.I kicked and I punched and I blocked some punches and kicks from the orange belt.





Wednesday 1 February 2012

Kung Fu Competition

 There are a lot of games at the Kung Fu Competition. Lots of people want to compete at best forms, Horse stants. If you compete then you get a medal for participating. But the competition is only for 6-16 years old students. I can't wait until the  Competition.


Sunday 29 January 2012

January 2012

Today I went swimming at the Breithaupt Center and I hurt my leg on something white on the bottom of the pool. After swimming I was starving so I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and a hot dog. At 1.00 James came over with all his Skylanders. We played Skylanders for a long long time. Then James let me register
Prism Break online so I could play with it on the computer. He is really strong at breaking wood.

The End.

Thursday 12 January 2012

James' sleepover

I can't wait to go to James' s sleepover on Saturday . We will play Skylanders, Pokemon black and white but first we watch the movie Chipwrecked. Get it? Chip-wrecked as in Alvin and the Chip-monks HA HA HA HA! I am going because it is his 9th BIRTHDAY!!  

Wednesday 11 January 2012

School 3

We learned at school that U.S.A.had a fight against England in 1785. The USA did not want to be bossed around so they had a war.  They were fighting over upper Canada and a small part of USA.  But sadly England lost the war.

Sunday 8 January 2012

snowboarding at Chicopee

It was a tiring time to get to the spot to meet the instructor. We went the same slope each time.When we were done I got EXTREMELY hot chocolate, fries and cheeseburger. At the end of the day I was soooooo HAPPY.      

THE       END

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Back in Canada

I'm happy to be back but I miss family and Lisa a ton. Also my family and me are all sick. I cough a lot. I play Skylanders, helicopter and I built Darth Maul's Lego space ship.