Tuesday 24 July 2012

Today 7

Today Matilda pinched me and no one cared.Matilda told on me for not practicing piano and I was just getting started. I played lots of 3DS well I played on my 3DS with DS games. o and sorry I did not do the THE     END the computer was not working well. The cercer was not there and I have know idea what to wright.

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Sunday 22 July 2012

Today 6

Today I skype with Papa and he went on a trip with work. I wanted to go to but my pasport was expierd. He went to japan for a week and  a week after that we are going to a cottage.I miss Papa a lot but I get to do and have lots of things. I got  a Hot dog bun with wipped cream and suger and chocolate. dealishes. Aidan has the game Wii Dance and I love it. There is songs like Kung-fu Fighting, who let the dogs out and Barbey girl.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE       END

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Today 5

I am going to keep this up until the Fall[Autumn]. Today I went to Tim`s with Jack, Helen and June. Jack has 1 dog, named Hobo, Helen has 2, Loki and Paxi and June owns Jacki. I have 1 too, THE BESTEST OF THE BESTEST Murphy.I had a chocolate glazed, Canadian maple Donuts and a Iced tea. Jack let us see his pool and made a paper air plane. I had lots of fun.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Today 4

I changed my  backround today. It`s a Sparten leader with 2 energy swords. James came over today. We played on the Wii and minotaurs the lego game. I had lots of fun today

Thursday 12 July 2012

Today 3

I am making a series of  Today. Aidan and Erin are coming over tomorrow. I went too Zehrs with Mama. We bought 1 pack of jumbo freezes. There was 50 of them.                                                                      

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Wednesday 11 July 2012

Today 2

I mite make a whole session of today. Today I went to Tom and Sam house.We played pirates vs knights and I was an ultimate knight. My weapons where a bow and arrow,spike ball and a golden sword. Matilda , Mama, and Nicolas.

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Tuesday 10 July 2012


Today I went to James` house. We went in the pool. I went Jabba the hut Diving. James and I had a whole Jumbo freezey. Matilda was ta Scoty and Paige`s birthday. We all had a blast.

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Sunday 8 July 2012

Tennis Finals

Federer won the championship,YHAAAA! The score was 4 6 Murray 7 5 Federer 6 3 Federer 6 4 Federer.I had a bet with Mama.We bet $ 10. That is the 7th time he won the Wimbledon trophy.


Saturday 7 July 2012

Corn Walk

I went on a walk with Papa[Dad],Mama[mom], Matilda[sister],Nicolas[brother]And Murphy[dog].We went in the corn.Murphy too. We played Hide and go seek. I won Because I hid the longest.

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Friday 6 July 2012



I played Tennis  with my sister and today was my last day of camp. We got Swiss chalet and it was GOOD. On Sun. Federer and Murray are going to have a match. Federer is my favorite player. He lives in Switzerland. 


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