Sunday 13 January 2013


I finished my sleepover today. It was James, Michael, John, and me. We played Minecraft most of the time and Michael found diamond but he couldn't mine it because he did not have a iron pickaxe. It was fun staying up late and when I said late I mean really late. I think we stayed up til 3:00. For breakfast we had pancakes with maple syrup and bacon.

                                                                                       THE    END

Monday 7 January 2013

X-mas (late)

I got for Christmas an Ipod, Skylander Giants, a watch, a charging dock for my Ipod, 2 covers and a set of headphones. I use my Ipod a lot and I have a lot of apps on it. Papa got himself a present, a new electric car and the best thing is it is not bad for the earth. Even the dogs got presents. Ary got an octopus and Murphy got some treats.

THE         END

Monday 6 August 2012

Today 8

Today Tom, Sam and Alex were at my house today. We had a competition and I won platinum. We all had ice cream and there was live savers, drum sticks, ice cream sandwichs and more. Tom, Sam and I went to old cottage pl. And the river with our bikes.

THE       END

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Today 7

Today Matilda pinched me and no one cared.Matilda told on me for not practicing piano and I was just getting started. I played lots of 3DS well I played on my 3DS with DS games. o and sorry I did not do the THE     END the computer was not working well. The cercer was not there and I have know idea what to wright.

THE          END

Sunday 22 July 2012

Today 6

Today I skype with Papa and he went on a trip with work. I wanted to go to but my pasport was expierd. He went to japan for a week and  a week after that we are going to a cottage.I miss Papa a lot but I get to do and have lots of things. I got  a Hot dog bun with wipped cream and suger and chocolate. dealishes. Aidan has the game Wii Dance and I love it. There is songs like Kung-fu Fighting, who let the dogs out and Barbey girl.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE       END

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Today 5

I am going to keep this up until the Fall[Autumn]. Today I went to Tim`s with Jack, Helen and June. Jack has 1 dog, named Hobo, Helen has 2, Loki and Paxi and June owns Jacki. I have 1 too, THE BESTEST OF THE BESTEST Murphy.I had a chocolate glazed, Canadian maple Donuts and a Iced tea. Jack let us see his pool and made a paper air plane. I had lots of fun.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Today 4

I changed my  backround today. It`s a Sparten leader with 2 energy swords. James came over today. We played on the Wii and minotaurs the lego game. I had lots of fun today