Wednesday 21 December 2011

At Luxembourg

Me and my family are at Tata Claudine's house. My grandmother Bomy comes 2 times a day. she comes for breakfast and dinner.  
We all so visited Great  Bomy.she is 95 years old. 

Plane to Luxembourg

My family Papa, Mama, Nicolas, Matilda and me went on a plane. We went to visit my family in Luxembourg.
I saw the movie Spy kids. It was a rreeeellyy long trip to Luxembourg I was sooo bord.

THE       END

Tuesday 6 December 2011


Matilda and me got a haircut after school today at Accent 1OO.Matilda got her haircut first.   At the end I got a brown lollipop that tasted like cinnamon.

THE                                                END